Ask Dr. Ted

We receive many comments and questions about our products but as you know it is impossible to answer every question we receive.  Please refer to our frequently asked questions. (Please note that we do not offer personalized medical advice for medical problems, since this should be obtained from your own healthcare  provider.)

Thank you for participating in our survey on natural pain relief methods. Your responses will help us understand people’s preferences and experiences with different natural approaches to managing pain. This survey is anonymous and will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Natural Pain Relief Methods
Demographic Information:





Pain Profile

Please indicate if you have experienced any of the following types of pain. Check all that apply:

Please indicate if you have experienced any of the following types of pain. Check all that apply:

Natural Pain Relief Methods:

Have you ever tried any natural methods for pain relief? (e.g., herbal remedies, relaxation techniques, etc.)

Have you ever tried any natural methods for pain relief? (e.g., herbal remedies, relaxation techniques, etc.)

If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please specify which natural methods you have tried and briefly describe your experience with each.

If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please specify which natural methods you have tried and briefly describe your experience with each.

On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the effectiveness of the natural pain relief methods you have tried, where 1 is "Not Effective" and 5 is "Very Effective."

On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the effectiveness of the natural pain relief methods you have tried, where 1 is "Not Effective" and 5 is "Very Effective."

a. Herbal remedies:

a. Herbal remedies:

b. Acupuncture:

b. Acupuncture:

c. Yoga and stretching exercises:

c. Yoga and stretching exercises:

d. Meditation and mindfulness:

d. Meditation and mindfulness:

e. Essential oils:

e. Essential oils:

f. Other (please specify)*

f. Other (please specify)*

What factors influence your decision to try natural pain relief methods? (Check all that apply)

What factors influence your decision to try natural pain relief methods? (Check all that apply)

Additional Comments:*

Additional Comments:*

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